Zhao Rubin

Zhao Rubin

Research Assistant (2022.08 – )

Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology

I’m currently a research assistant at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technologies, Chinese Academy of Science. Previously, I suffered two disastrous defeat in exams and hence fall into a situation where no scientist has ever been to. Duringthe past 4 years, I failed consecutively on trying to reproduce the 20s of the gifted scientists in history. What’s worse, certain alcohol-related brain damage makes me forgetful like dementia patients. However, I am still under the delusion that I’m capable of revealing the mystery of intelligence, memory and feeling.

Currently I’m working on developing semi-automated neurite tracing tools via deep reinforcement learning and etc. Or in other word, to train an agent which travels through dendrite and axons in the 3D image of neural system, labeling the neurites and somas it walked through. Hopefully, the agent managed to seek a little way out in the neural system, and so do I.

As for myself, I don’t have other interests except running.